Update 2

- Added area quest markers (will show an area instead of a specific point) and switched hunting quests to them

 - Fixed a bug that was triggering a black screen when failing a puzzle 

 - Reduced haze at evening

 - Added a few SFX

 - Fixed a bug that was making monster animations "sliding" after a battle 

 - Improved a few materials

 - Pressing escape on the full screen map UI will no longer toggle the pause menu

 - Added an additional indicator when an item is equiped in the inventory full UI

 - Improved the stats readability of weapons and armor on the equipment menu, the full inventory menu and the shopkeeper menu

- Fixed a few minor issues with the crystal tree weapon system

- The teleport UI is now useable with a mouse

- Improved the main character input controller

 - Fixed a bug that was decreasing the movement friction when the framerate was < 30 fps (creating a feeling of sliding characters) 

 - Added an "auto-add skeleton bone" feature to the model swap mods to ensure correct placement of weapons

 - Minor optimizations

- Fixed a bug that was making monsters on the field unable to move to interest points

 - Added map visualization of teleport points on the teleport interface 

 - Fixed a bug that was preventing items to work with dead entities

 - Fixed tutorial crystals that were not consumed during crystal merging 

 - Fixed a graphical bug with Herelsor door

- Fixed a bug that could start scripted battles at the wrong position (like the big orokko outpost quest)

- Fixed the twitch plugin that was failing to connect to the plugin server (it should work correctly now)

- Inverted Axis option now works also with the battle camera

- Fixed a bug that was settings the use range of items at infinite distance in battle

- Fixed a bug that was allowing the camera to interact with decor elements like pressure plates

- Fixed a bug that was allowing infinite loot on world objects in rare cases

- Fixed a bug that was causing an "infinite attack" that was blocking the game in rare cases after using a siege weapon or a case spell (like earthgrave)

- Fixed some cases of invalid datas override (like a spell targeting the wrong entity or the wrong case)

- Few collider fixes

- Added unique crystal pattern for "Diviner Staff"

- Added correct sell price on craft components

- Fixed a bug that was triggering periodic effects of decor interact during the victory animations

- Balancing tweaks for concentration system

- Minor optimizations

- Added field skills system (will be used on chapter II)

- Added an "unstuck" button in the pause menu if you get stuck (will be removed before the final release)

- Fixed a bug that was wrongly adding barriers in the swamp at the wrong step of the main quest

- (Modding) Added a system to do MonoBehaviour scripts embedded in a mod and use it on a scene (serialization partially supported, objects references are not yet supported), will be improved over time

- Fixed a bug that could crash or cause a massive frame drop the game after looting a world object (mine, plants, trunks)

- Added a flee confirmation window when trying to flee a battle

- Fixed a bug that could start the battle with the corroded croctas undermap and so causing an autoflee

- Modified the position of a savepoint that was undermap with the latest terrain modifications

- The gurrns on the plain cannot spawn anymore ontop of the house ruins and tents

- Tutorial Boxes won't hide cursor anymore in battles

- Disabled by default motion blur (must be enabled manually in the options menu)

- Added a sharpness filter to decrease the blurriness caused by the temporal anti-aliasing

- Moved the hunting board in the inn area to prevent UI overlapsing

- (Modding) Added a node grouping feature for the Dialog Tree Editor

- Improved general GPU performances of the game

- Implemented resolution scale option feature (save gpu performance)

- Fixed a few cases of massive framedrop with world lootable objects

- Fixed a few cases of world lootable objects not disappearing after interact

- Added doors at the Herelsor entrance to prevent falling on the ground if the loading is not complete when reaching the entrance

- Fixed chinese and japanese characters not showing on the map interface

- Few quest marker fixes

- Fix a voice stacking issue on the last cutscene of chapter 1

- Selen won't stay stuck anymore in the snow scene

- Fixed a few issues on the cutscene after the Orokko battle in the camp

- Fixed a bug that could allow putting the leader of the party on the reserve team on some rare cases

- Fix some colliders issues

- Increased the dialog trigger size of the captain in the outpost

- Save UI cannot be stacked anymore with chest UI or battle UI

- Fixed a bug that could do damage in line on the wrong hexes

- Modified some color codes

- Added a teleport system between savepoints (if you have any feedbacks please post them on the forum or on the discord thanks!)

- Nuggets won't stay anymore in the follower party in rare cases after the quest "The Volunteer"

- Fixed a bug that could softlock the game when having multiple event triggers launched at the same time (was causing the bug of double characters + controls unblocked during cutscenes + softlock)

- Fixed some cases of terrain disappearance

- Triggers are now ignored by the battle navigation generation (could block some battle or trigger instant flee to protect the game from softlocking)

- Fixed a bug that could trigger multiple times the sound of aggro

- Bosses can now be affected by dot effects and stats modifications debuff (like defense breaker)

- Improved Uralik/Ur-Dunnrir attack animation

- Added physic simulation on some Uralik/Ur-Dunnrir body part

- Improved pathfinding precision and fixed more issues at pathfinding tiles edges

- Followers weapons will now be updated visually when switching them in the menu

- Increased the Big Orokko boss HP by 30%

- Corrected a few emissive values on some assets that were too bright

- Cast animation will now be cancelled when a character is casting and the battle is ended so it won't stay in cast visual phase during the fanfare

- Improved crystal merging UI

- VSync by default is now on 60fps cap instead of unlimited fps cap 

- Fixed a bug that could cumulate a cutscene trigger + a npc dialog if done quickly (and generate a softlock)

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the stats of a weapon to be displayed while trying to sell it to a NPC

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the crystals to be consumed during crystal merging

- The Caravan Attack NPC seller won't sell the sword "Wildfang" anymore

- Added new lipsync on Derek & Gavin

- Fixed a framerate drop when having the full map UI open for a long time

- Fixed some wrong speaker names during cutscenes

- Tweaked a few audio volumes

- Fixed a few free roam dialogue timing 

- Selene will now follow you on the snow scene even if you go quickly away from her

- Removed a duplicate ambiance sound on Herelsor

- Fixed a bug that was making the nearest pathfinding tiles unstable after a battle

- Fixed a bug that could cause monsters pathfinding issues in the edge part of pathfinding tiles (caused monsters weird pathing sometimes)

- Fixed a bug that could trigger an invalid cutscene in case of loading a savefile that have a saved position on a trigger (and would even mess saves in some cases)

- Fixed game time display on save slots

- Removed a rock that could block access to a crystal fruit

- The injured npc dynamic event won't lockup the game anymore if you choose to help the npc or to heal him

- Fixed a dynamic event that was spawning under map

- Removed an invisible collision on the bridge after the first puzzle in the forest area

- Improved dialogs and audio synchronization during free roam dialogs

- Fixed a bug that was breaking the terrain rendering on the following GPUs: "RX Vega", "RTX2080", "RTX2070"

- Pausing the game will now correctly interrupt the freeroam dialog and the audio and will resume correctly afterward

- Fixed a collision issue that was making in rare cases some characters fly

- Fixed the hunt quest marker on the croctas queen that was in the wrong place

- Siege weapons cannot do critical damages anymore (behind and flank)

- Added missing lipsyncs on a few cutscenes

- Improved Uralik animation

- Fixed an interaction bug that was able to retrigger a NPC interact that occured long time ago

- The Uralik will now use his special skill "Division" directly at the start of the battle

- Fixed a few spelling errors

- Reduced the inertia of the character in exploration

- Modified the volume balance of the game, the game is now louder to match standard levels

- The volume slider in the options menu is now linear and working properly

- Fixed a bug that was preventing to cast an AOE spell to be casted on a case full of ennemies with the gamepad

- Fixed the collider of the wood plank of the bridge that connect the plain to the bridge at the end of chapter 1 will not block the player anymore 

- Moved the recipes for crafting to another NPC to make it easier to interact

- Added a quest marker on Ril for the last uralik

- Collider improvement

- Fixed a few softlock issues when refusing some choices during specific dialogs

- The tree near the penitent quest have now a collider

- The color of the lootable plants in the forest are now orange instead of blue to make them more visible

- Fixed a bug in the initial last uralik cutscene making the characters appear in double during the cutscene

- Fixed a bug making an hunter NPC invisible during the last uralik quest

- Fixed a few texture seams

- Added new visual assets in the Uralik scene area

- Added a VFX on the Orokko Charge

- Modified VFX of Thunderline of the Corroded Croctas boss

- The tree at the exit of the forest is now grounded

- Fixed a bug preventing item consumption for craft or when selling when the item count was maxed

- Increased items cap to 999

- Fixed a double opening animation issue on chests

- Bug report UI won't block the game anymore if the game is not able to write the screenshot or to send the report

- Increased variance of items modifiers (it should give differences of stats on rarity tiers of items even on low level gear and so a rare armor will be more powerful than a normal armor)

- New optimizations for low end hardware, the sky quality setting have now more impact on the framerate

- Added exclusive fullscreen mode in addition to the borderless fullscreen mode (it should also give a few more FPS in exclusive fullscreen)

- Fixed an issue preventing the graphic resolution setting from saving

- Crafting recipes already learned won't show up again on shopkeepers

- Feature : Concentration System

Replaced the actual interruption system with a new system called the concentration system.

Characters and ennemies will get a new bar visible when they'll get hit in battle by physical attacks while casting.

When the concentration bar reach 0 the entity cast is interrupted.

The concentration value is reset at each spell cast.

The amount of damage a character must receive to be interrupted is dependent of the stat "Resolve"


Edge Of Eternity - Windows 64 14 GB
Version 7 Jan 16, 2019

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